Friday, March 25, 2011


We've felt sorry for them, been rude to them, perhaps thought they were cool, old, stinky or funny looking. Classes can be so disrespectful towards them. Apart of the reason is because it is hard for a sub to replace a teacher and the norm that the kids expect everyday. The teacher's the teacher, the sub is the sub.

There are no subs for God.... nothing. Relationships, fashion, shopping, movies, friendships, drinking, nothing can replace or substitute your need for God. Nothing.

God, please help us to accept You as our One true God, and never keep something as Your substitute. You have given us so many things, they are Your precious gifts. But nothing could ever replace You.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Short and Sweet

I remember when I was pregnant, and everything tasted good that my awesome mother-in-law bought Lucas and I a little Easter duck candy dispenser. To our delight, mine especially, it plucked out different colored jelly bean Easter eggs. My favorite were the purple. So I would push the ducky several times a day until I got a purple one. Someone must have been watching me. One day, I kept pushing the duck, and it kept plucking out purple ones. I was so excited... pregnancy will do that over just the smallest, yummy tasting delights. I remember thinking with a childlike faith and naivety, "God loves me so much! He keeps letting only purple ones coming out!" Eventually, I said this out loud to Lucas. He chuckled and let me know that he had put the eggs in there, because he knew that I liked them so much.

God reminded me of this story tonight. Just to remind me how much He loves me. How much He loves us. Even though it was thoughtful husband that put them in there for me, I do believe that God moved him to do such a thing.

As a people of God, we are the bride of Christ. He loves us so much, that He cares even about the little details of the things we delight in; a piece of candy, a nice jog, a sunset, a friend. He loves us dearly, and blesses us more than we could ever know every day.

"The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness." Jeremiah 31:3

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tough Love

Somewhere a long the way we heard parenting was easy. Somewhere a long the way we glamorized it in our minds of how wonderful it will be when we someday have children. Everything will be peachy keen.

Then the reality of having children is before us, whether through birthing them or adopting them. We have begun to spread our seed and multiply the earth. First of all, the cold reality of having children sets in right there in that hospital. When you've pushed for hours or have had surgery to get that sweet child out of you. Or maybe, if it was adoption, it is all of the preparation and trials and agonizing wait to finally receive the child you've dreamed of.

But adjustment says, "Hello!" before you're mentally prepared to greet them and they bring some nice surprises. Sleep deprivation, hormones, hemorrhoids, aches and pains, and a crying baby you can't ignore, or the initial bonding with your adopted children that is tougher than you thought it would be. "Oh so this is what it's really like?" But before you can even think it, post pardom demands a visit and you are left shocked to say the least. And hopefully that is the least, because it could spiral downward very fast if the enemy has his way.

Hopefully you overcome the season, and your heart makes a turn. You realize that parenting is tougher than the nice, pretty bubble you put it in. It indeed is tough and you find yourself at a place where you are faced with a choice of whether you will embrace the sacrifice you desperately wanted or not. Are you ready to be second? Are you ready to drop everything to meet their needs in the best ways possible. Are you ready for a crying child that just doesn't stop no matter what you do. Are you ready for this precious little miracle to be completely and utterly dependent on you for their well being? Are you ready? Well, the answer is that you have to be. So where do you go from here?

You embrace the challenge of sacrifice. You love that child like you were called to as the parent you have become. You meet their needs and do the best you can. Because in that moment that you chose to accept the pain of sacrifice, blessings come, and they don't stop. God blesses your choice to love that child with your whole heart. And what a blessing it is to watch them grow each and everyday. To watch such the nutshell life of a baby flourish and bring you joy each day. Joy, even when your tired and they've screamed a lot, and they poop on you and parenting shows the vulnerability both you and the baby have as you learn about each other and how to care for them properly. Joy, even in the toughest of moments.

We need to say yes to that sacrifice because someday, it's going to be harder than it was in the initial days and we will even cry (for the millionth time about our struggles) and wonder what we are to do when our tired toddler screams at us in anger, or when the 12 year old daughter finally reaches her hormonal imbalance and says things you have no idea came from, or when your even older child is deep in their own struggles and takes it out on you. And because we chose to say yes to that sacrifice long ago, God will remind us, we are humbled in our weaknesses, He makes them His strengths in us, these blessings flow, and somehow He makes a way where there seems to be no way and the light of our prayers persist in the dark situation.

Parenting is amazing. Parenting is also very hard sometimes.

I can't help but wonder just how God feels about us as His children. And how, time and time again, His patience and unconditional love flows in our every fit, tantrum, screaming, hurtful and even just stupid things we've done against Him.

Oh, how He loves us. Let us as His children embrace that love, even as parents ourselves, knowing that He designed the design of family, and let us be an example of His sacrifice and love to our own precious children. Amen.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I wanted to recount a dream I had a several months ago.

I was in the neighborhood I grew up in sitting on the curb of a familiar street and talking to a former youth from one of Lucas' previous youth ministry jobs. We were talking and my Dad, who has always been someone I've looked up to because of his relationship with God, was there too. It was night time. Suddenly, stars began to drop from the sky and I said excitedly, "The sky is falling! Jesus is coming back! Dad, Jesus is coming back!" I began to walk on another street and I think my Dad might have still been with me but am unsure. As I walked, I noticed the sun shining and the sky was very hazy. It was still night time. So I exclaimed again, "Jesus is coming back!" And then, an older woman came out of her house pushing a baby stroller (I think several people were out and about because of what was happening) and I told her, "Jesus loves you! He's coming back!" She replied, "If He loves me, where are my clothes? Where is my food?"
I then began to give her the local Buckner office number because they have a free clothes closet. I believe that was the end of my dream.

I love having dreams that make an impression on me. Not just crazy dreams but ones that I know God is saying something. This dream is definitely one of those. Daniel had dreams about the end times. And in Joel, the Bible says, "Your old men will dream dreams,"Joel 2:28. Now, I know I'm not a man, and I'm not "old" yet... but I'm pretty sure God doesn't exclude women from His promises.

In light of the recent events of Haiti, I can't help but think that our earth is having "birth pangs." Mark 13:7-8: I have always been fascinated and excited about the end times. I am convinced, and my Dad is too, that Christ will return in our lifetime. I am not trying to guess that date so the debate about no one knowing the time or the hour doesn't interest me at this point (I've debated it too many times!). I believe this because of what is going on around the world, and that some of the prophesy's from the Bible have already been fulfilled. If you would like to look up a reputable website on this subject, is an excellent one. You can find up to date news article links that relate to Bible prophesy's about the end times on the site. It's pretty cool.

Now here's the out of left field ball that you didn't expect me to throw. When I look at the situation of Haiti, of Katrina, of Florida, of the wild fires in California and other states, tornadoes and other chaotic weather, to me, it all points to that scripture (again, Mark 13:7-8, the whole chapter is great). And I can't help but wonder, will I ever be victim of one of these natural disasters? You hear the question, "Why me?" sometimes when tragedy strikes. But humility brings a person to ask, "Why not me?" So I ask now, "Why not us?" While I do not wish for anything horrible to fall upon anyone, I only wish to challenge us as Christians to not have the "I can't believe it happened to them" syndrome because, it could, and looks like scripture reinforces this, happen to anyone. No one is out of the reach of tragedy. Sheesh, I can sense the fear that this particular paragraph could cause or the other side of the picture that God is good and doesn't want bad things to happen to people.

Well, scripture teaches that we will suffer (Romans 8:18, this chapter actually elaborates on the birth pangs of the world, and Romans 12:12). Sometimes it's our own sinful acts that causes us to suffer, illnesses we might have, or the list could go on. But may I pop another possible bubble you might hold to? Bad things will happen to us, and they do, every day. Maybe our own self affliction, or maybe allowed by the very will of God, just like Job. However, there is also a trust you may gleen from that statement: the will of God is a very trustworthy place because, He is good and just (Psalm 89:1-2,14) and although Job suffered tremendously with all his children dying, all his livestock dying, and he was inflicted with a terrible disease on top of all the trauma, in the end he was blessed with everything given back to him, "And the Lord turned the captivity of Job and restored his fortunes, when he pratyed for his friends; also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before." Job 42:10- and the following scriptures in chapter 42 elaborate just how much more God gave him.

Wow. What an amazing and trustworthy God, He afflicted Job tremendously, but He blessed him even "more than his beginning" (Job 42:12). As a young teen much driven by fear, I fell upon this verse in Proverbs "Be not afraid of sudden fear (amplified Bible says terror and panic), nor of the stormy blast or the storm and ruin of the wicked when it comes (for you will be guiltless)." And it has given me comfort again and again. That verse can set you free from fear, if you make it your new mindset. God does not desire one ounce that we are trapped by fear, but He desires that His people, trust in Him completely.

So, "Why not us?" Let us prepare our hearts, because we do not know what our days hold.
God, I pray that we will have a peace that passes understanding that You are God no matter what. And just as Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego were called to dwell in a room full of fire and Daniel to be cast into Lion's den, whatever you call us to, we will trust in You and we will not be afraid of sudden fear in Jesus Name.

What did the dream mean to me?
In short: There is an urgency in my heart as I see our world "waxing old" that it is the end times. The woman coming out of the house asking that if Jesus loved her where is her clothes and shoes to me definitely means that we are to show Christ love, not merely tell of Christ love. There is a great need all around us and it might increase as the days pass, so we are still called to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit people in prison, and to care for the orphan and the widow. (Matthew 25:36 and James 1:27)

P.S. I love your comments, so leave them, debate me, etc.... I love it!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Christian Marathon of Life

I am a runner and have been since Jr. high, technically speaking, if you call getting nicknamed "Crash" for falling over my first set of hurdle jumps running... even later in my early running rendezvous, the special nickname came back again for my notorious spill at our Regional meet my freshman year in high school, and getting hit by a truck with my bff Marne while I was, ironically, running (yes, it was very freshman of us to run across a busy road without a crosswalk... so this must be where my fear of crossing streets comes from... I even have feared intersections.)

So, what was I saying, yes, even with all my infamous woes, I love running. Recently, I went to visit my new favorite vacation spot which happens to be my sister's house in Seabrook, Texas. I decided I would do my long run the first morning there.

Around 9 the next morning, I set off. As I ran, God began to show me similarities running has to the Christian's walk with God. Without further ado, I would like to share my word picture with you.

When a runner begins their run, they begin with more energy. They are not yet overwhelmed with tired legs or unstable breathing patterns. They are not fighting to keep moving. They are probably taking off with a pretty good pace to begin their run. In our Christian walk, we set off so well in the beginning usually. "Our first love" relationship with Christ is similar even to a new couple. They are madly in love in the beginning. I can remember when I first set my teenage heart on Christ, and I began to spend time with Him. I would study the Bible and pray every night in my room for at least an hour, if not longer. I loved my time with God. I naturally began memorizing scripture as I was reading so much of it. From time to time, I would even fall asleep with my light on because I had fallen asleep spending time with God. God's joy truly flooded all the other areas of my life and I talked about what He was doing or shared scriptures with others or prayed for them. I started my journey with Christ so well, just as I began my run so well that particular morning.

My goal run for that morning was an hour, which is approximately 6 miles (ten minute miles to be exact). Within my run, I had to find my stride. My stride was a consistent pace that I would set myself to possess, with steady breathing, with good bodily form as opposed to elbows and feet flying everywhere, only to exhaust me more. But rather, a consistent, steady, constant, patterned pace to keep up. Some strides way out blow mine, I know that with the right training and mindset, it is possible to obtain a very fast pace, something I have yet to do. How is our pace with God? I seem to be constantly asking myself this question. Many times I only have a failed response and need Christ's forgiveness. However, I know that He is my consistency... especially when it's tough for me to find my pace. He is to be my center and focus, His Word an ongoing path for me to follow whichever direction I am heading. And though my particular run might end soon, there is always another run another day, and I will always need my consistency to be in Christ. My distracted heart must not dwell upon life's troubles, but the One who helps me overcome them. We must find our consistent stride in Christ.

As I was running that day I also thought about the movie Forest Gump. I loved the running seens with him taking off one day and just running for so long. And his followers. The people needed someone to believe in. I have recently found a running friend that has blessed me immensly. She holds me accountable to the sport I love so passionately and lazily. When we run together, we push each other to run well wiht our constant encouragment. Now we are training for a half marathon. I am so excited as it has long been a hope of mine to do another one. (I did my first full marathon in 2005, prebaby.) Where are our running partners in our journey with Christ? The individuals in the body of Christ desparately need the accountablity, encouragment, strength, prayers that come from healthy friendship. We need more than just motivation, we need tough love. We need each other's honesty to help keep us and grow us in our walk with Christ. Just as Gump's runners followed him so diligently, who will follow us? Who will we encourage along the way in our run? Where are we called to minister in and outside of the body of Christ? I have always found that a run is always so much easier when you're with another person. The conversation, the challenges, it truly is more fulfilling that running alone. We need eachother.

I stated earlier that my goal was to run an hour that morning. I did complete it in the end, but not without some mental and physical hardship. I was tired. My legs did begin to hurt. I had to refocus my breathing several times. I had to push myself to complete my goal and not give up. I also wanted to recover my pace, if I had slowed down any, and especially finish strong.
For those of you who know me well, you might have heard me say once, twice, or several times, that I believe our generation is living in the end times. Well, now I'm saying it again because I still believe it to be true. But whether the end or not, it is a pecuilar and tough time to live in. Extreme natural disasters, major global and national government decisions and even wars and potential of more. All of this hangs over our head as we endure the pressure of fitting in to a very fast paced and changing world. Fashion pressures, financial strains, marriage, raising children, the list goes on of all that hovers us in our every day endeavors. Life is tough. Period. We must find something within ourselves, with God's help, to finish strong. Live well, love much, laugh often... do whatever you have to do to live with conviction, integrity, passionate pursuit of Christ, and selfless love. Find the sprint within you to finish strong. All of the pain you are enduring is only temporary now anyway... Christ knew this so He even promised us life abundantly (John 10:10). Endure this run of life. Endure it well, don't let the enemy rain on your run with Christ... but out run him and his lies in Christ name... don't you think this is what God wants? And if so... won't He give us the ability to do so? Be encouraged- He's never tired... you can make it!

In conclusion, let's return to our first love in our run with Christ. Let your consistent stride be focussed on Christ and His love. Run with others in the body of Christ and encourage those who follow you. (You do have followers whether you realize it or not, definetly if you have children, and even younger siblings!) Finish strong in Christ name!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

God's Realness in Our Reality

When I'm too serious
When I forget You have a sense of humor
When I forget You're in control
When I'm impatient
When I take You for granted
When I stay up too late spending time with You
When I well up with tears
You are in all this
You are helping me figure it out
You are taking Your rightful place in my life
You are my breath of fresh air
You are my freedom
You truly are my only hope
Thank You for being more real than my tears
Than my tangible computer screen
Than my frustrations
Than the things I don't understand
I am dust, but I go from glory to glory
I am weary, but You are my ever strength
I am selfish, but You teach me how to love
I am quiet, but You help my life to scream
I will love You here in my depression
I will love You here in my confusion
I will love You more
I will love You in brokenness
I will love You in sickness
Oh Glory come down
To our humanness
To our ugliness
Oh Glory come down
To us

The Most Important Thing On My List

So tonight during my devotions I was thinking about things that are important to me:

Exercise (even though I do so little of it, my potbelly AKA pooch AKA flabby area AKA muffin top AKA baby fat even if you don't have a baby AKA whatever you personally prefer to call that particular area, won't let me stop thinking about it)
School (Lucas and I are in pursuit of Associates and Bachelor degrees)
Food (oh how I love thee)
Friendships (I am a people person and social butterfly usually)
Financial Concerns (hence, we're going to school to improve that whole "situation")
Vegging Out (lazy days are so fun sometimes)

I wrote down two different prayers:
I love You and even as I try not to be legalistic but come to You in sincerity, help me God to find the "balance" if there is one, which means You are first and foremost in my life and that no other gods come before You.

I was reminded of this verse:
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." The verses continue as they talk of not worrying about our clothes and what we will wear, or our food and what we will eat because, in paraphrase, God provides all of these things for His children, just as He provides for the flower lillies and the birds. Also, do not store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moth and rust destroy. ~ Matthew 6

(stick with me, it all comes together in the end :))
Earlier I had written this prayer:
Lord, guide my decisions. Remind me that the growing pains I have are only teaching me to love You more. I am reminded that living here in this life is a sacrifice for You. Yet there is joy in abundant life (John 10:10) here because that is what You desire for me. It comes as I truly come to know you which is based on, but not limited to, one of the many principles of Your Word: "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 10:39)

You see, when He is my first priority above everything on my list, and then some, then the paradox lies that I will also find Him in and throughout all of these things. Each thing on my list is of an uttermost importance to me, some, of course on a higher level, but He still deserves my greatest attention, even above my family.... Why? Because I, and you, were created for Him, to know Him, to love Him, and so much more. I am not writing about a fanatical or head in the clouds relationship, but a real, day to day, intimate, He will help us within our most desperate and crazy times, relationship with Christ, who died for our sins, so that this unity with Him could even be possible in the first place.

And the truth is, that it is a sacrifice, or it at least feels like one, when we hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit when Christ is not truly first. He gently and persistently reminds us by His little nudges and whispers, to put Him first. This might mean us waking up earlier to pray and read our Bible, thus sacrificing our important sleep. Or maybe we feel called to witness more at work and school. Or maybe our nudge is to listen to Christian music. Or is our nudge, just to take the beginning steps in getting closer to Him in the first place, because we are just learning what it really means to sincerely love God, because maybe we're new to the whole God thing. And as important as the things are on our 'important" list, He, and the state of our relationship with Him, is so much more important than any of those things. And we are called to love Him more than it all. (Matthew 10:37)

So, when I (we) put Him first, when I seek Him by reading my Bible, or utter a heartfelt prayer to Him at any second of the day, when He truly is my first and foremost priority... "all these things will be added" unto me, and you. Because then our priorities truly are straight, He is the center and our reason for being, and we will see and appreciate those tremendous blessings that already exist, such as, our family, or the dreaded school day and even homework, finding the motivation within the lack of motivation to exercise...or whatever else might be on that special list of ours, we will see Him woven in and through it all. Amen.

I am also reminded of an excellent worship song by Michael Frye, the words are below, as well as a link you can copy and paste of a great music video of the song. May His Holy Spirit truly bring us closer to Him, through all of our growing pains of life, in every sacrifice... Amen.

Jesus be the center
Be my source, be my light Jesus
Jesus be the center
Be my song Jesus

Be the fire in my heart
Be the wind in my sails
Be the reason that I live

Jesus Jesus
Jesus be my vision
Be my help
Be my guide Jesus