Thursday, August 5, 2010

Short and Sweet

I remember when I was pregnant, and everything tasted good that my awesome mother-in-law bought Lucas and I a little Easter duck candy dispenser. To our delight, mine especially, it plucked out different colored jelly bean Easter eggs. My favorite were the purple. So I would push the ducky several times a day until I got a purple one. Someone must have been watching me. One day, I kept pushing the duck, and it kept plucking out purple ones. I was so excited... pregnancy will do that over just the smallest, yummy tasting delights. I remember thinking with a childlike faith and naivety, "God loves me so much! He keeps letting only purple ones coming out!" Eventually, I said this out loud to Lucas. He chuckled and let me know that he had put the eggs in there, because he knew that I liked them so much.

God reminded me of this story tonight. Just to remind me how much He loves me. How much He loves us. Even though it was thoughtful husband that put them in there for me, I do believe that God moved him to do such a thing.

As a people of God, we are the bride of Christ. He loves us so much, that He cares even about the little details of the things we delight in; a piece of candy, a nice jog, a sunset, a friend. He loves us dearly, and blesses us more than we could ever know every day.

"The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness." Jeremiah 31:3

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