Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I wanted to recount a dream I had a several months ago.

I was in the neighborhood I grew up in sitting on the curb of a familiar street and talking to a former youth from one of Lucas' previous youth ministry jobs. We were talking and my Dad, who has always been someone I've looked up to because of his relationship with God, was there too. It was night time. Suddenly, stars began to drop from the sky and I said excitedly, "The sky is falling! Jesus is coming back! Dad, Jesus is coming back!" I began to walk on another street and I think my Dad might have still been with me but am unsure. As I walked, I noticed the sun shining and the sky was very hazy. It was still night time. So I exclaimed again, "Jesus is coming back!" And then, an older woman came out of her house pushing a baby stroller (I think several people were out and about because of what was happening) and I told her, "Jesus loves you! He's coming back!" She replied, "If He loves me, where are my clothes? Where is my food?"
I then began to give her the local Buckner office number because they have a free clothes closet. I believe that was the end of my dream.

I love having dreams that make an impression on me. Not just crazy dreams but ones that I know God is saying something. This dream is definitely one of those. Daniel had dreams about the end times. And in Joel, the Bible says, "Your old men will dream dreams,"Joel 2:28. Now, I know I'm not a man, and I'm not "old" yet... but I'm pretty sure God doesn't exclude women from His promises.

In light of the recent events of Haiti, I can't help but think that our earth is having "birth pangs." Mark 13:7-8: I have always been fascinated and excited about the end times. I am convinced, and my Dad is too, that Christ will return in our lifetime. I am not trying to guess that date so the debate about no one knowing the time or the hour doesn't interest me at this point (I've debated it too many times!). I believe this because of what is going on around the world, and that some of the prophesy's from the Bible have already been fulfilled. If you would like to look up a reputable website on this subject, is an excellent one. You can find up to date news article links that relate to Bible prophesy's about the end times on the site. It's pretty cool.

Now here's the out of left field ball that you didn't expect me to throw. When I look at the situation of Haiti, of Katrina, of Florida, of the wild fires in California and other states, tornadoes and other chaotic weather, to me, it all points to that scripture (again, Mark 13:7-8, the whole chapter is great). And I can't help but wonder, will I ever be victim of one of these natural disasters? You hear the question, "Why me?" sometimes when tragedy strikes. But humility brings a person to ask, "Why not me?" So I ask now, "Why not us?" While I do not wish for anything horrible to fall upon anyone, I only wish to challenge us as Christians to not have the "I can't believe it happened to them" syndrome because, it could, and looks like scripture reinforces this, happen to anyone. No one is out of the reach of tragedy. Sheesh, I can sense the fear that this particular paragraph could cause or the other side of the picture that God is good and doesn't want bad things to happen to people.

Well, scripture teaches that we will suffer (Romans 8:18, this chapter actually elaborates on the birth pangs of the world, and Romans 12:12). Sometimes it's our own sinful acts that causes us to suffer, illnesses we might have, or the list could go on. But may I pop another possible bubble you might hold to? Bad things will happen to us, and they do, every day. Maybe our own self affliction, or maybe allowed by the very will of God, just like Job. However, there is also a trust you may gleen from that statement: the will of God is a very trustworthy place because, He is good and just (Psalm 89:1-2,14) and although Job suffered tremendously with all his children dying, all his livestock dying, and he was inflicted with a terrible disease on top of all the trauma, in the end he was blessed with everything given back to him, "And the Lord turned the captivity of Job and restored his fortunes, when he pratyed for his friends; also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before." Job 42:10- and the following scriptures in chapter 42 elaborate just how much more God gave him.

Wow. What an amazing and trustworthy God, He afflicted Job tremendously, but He blessed him even "more than his beginning" (Job 42:12). As a young teen much driven by fear, I fell upon this verse in Proverbs "Be not afraid of sudden fear (amplified Bible says terror and panic), nor of the stormy blast or the storm and ruin of the wicked when it comes (for you will be guiltless)." And it has given me comfort again and again. That verse can set you free from fear, if you make it your new mindset. God does not desire one ounce that we are trapped by fear, but He desires that His people, trust in Him completely.

So, "Why not us?" Let us prepare our hearts, because we do not know what our days hold.
God, I pray that we will have a peace that passes understanding that You are God no matter what. And just as Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego were called to dwell in a room full of fire and Daniel to be cast into Lion's den, whatever you call us to, we will trust in You and we will not be afraid of sudden fear in Jesus Name.

What did the dream mean to me?
In short: There is an urgency in my heart as I see our world "waxing old" that it is the end times. The woman coming out of the house asking that if Jesus loved her where is her clothes and shoes to me definitely means that we are to show Christ love, not merely tell of Christ love. There is a great need all around us and it might increase as the days pass, so we are still called to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit people in prison, and to care for the orphan and the widow. (Matthew 25:36 and James 1:27)

P.S. I love your comments, so leave them, debate me, etc.... I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aimee...
    Wow...Beautifully written and convicting. I do believe that Jesus will come back in our life time and that we are living on borrowed time. I feel the same conviction and urgency that you express. We need to wake up...recognize the signs of the times...and be a light in the darkness. We need to spread the good news that He is coming back...and live each day in the fullest and pray for oppurtunity to share the gospel. Love your thoughts!
    Your Sister.
