Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Wow, the last two days have been crazy. Sunday night around 12 my friend Shana and I headed to her Louisianna apartment. We drove through the night and arrived at the "checking" point around 6:00 am. (they really didn't check you though!) The next day we proceeded to move some of her stuff to her mom's and then go back to her house and move the rest of the stuff. It was a long day. Even though we had technically arrived at 6, there was a loooonnnnngggg line of cars. I had to go the bathroom so bad! When I started to look for a place all the cars started moving again, but really fast, so I had to run back and jump in with Shana. Then, we stopped at this gambling place (like no one was there) and I told the security guard, "I just really need to go to the bathroom", and so kindly he responded, "You're not supposed to come in here just to use the bathroom." I laughed and was like, "Hey, I'll donate a dollar if I have to." I'm amazed at people's rudeness in such a crazy situation. (Later, when I stopped because it was "that time" again, the Walgreen's lady said,"Our bathroom's closed because if one person goes, everyone will want to". I was so mad! So I went next door to Wendy's and they wouldn't open until another hour. I then went back to Walgreans and had a word with the manager asking him where his employees go to the bathroom as he told me that the bathrooms didn't work and I told him what the lady said. Then, I ended up having to go to the McDonalds to go. Frustrating!!!!) It took us another 4 hours to get to her apartment from there, which probably should've only taken 45 minutes. Since she doesn't actually live in New Orleans I didn't see extensive damage. But I did see trees like everywhere in residental neighborhoods. I was so suprised that for as many trees that went down, very few landed on houses. I could see God's protection in that.

As I helped Shana pack up her apartment I saw that she had no idea what was next for her. She had been a part of a tremendous church community there and now several of her close friends are relocating. To say the least, she was in shock and was very sad. Can you imagine everything being normal one day, and the next day, everything you've known changes? We truly don't know what will happen tomorrow or where we'll be, for that reason all the more, we should trust in God. On the way back home, God blessed Shana to find her friends again and she might end up relocating with them, which would be a great thing for her. I met some of them last night and wanted to quickly share a conversation I had with one of the girls.

She was saying how she couldn't believe how things would be so different. She was in church yesterday and told me what the pastor said. He said that the meaning of Katrina is cleansing. We all know what a crazy city New Orleans is. Could this be why God allowed this to happen? To cleanse New Orleans? I couldn't say for sure but it puts a different light on things. The main thing is that God is good. Don't focus on the bad stuff that happened to all of these people, but realize how many people will turn to Him through this, and that God will provide for them. It's amazing to think about. I know in our personal walks hard times should draw us closer to Him, and it's the same with a world crisis. Know what I mean? Anyway, I just wanted to fill y'all in on this trip. God is good all the time, it's true! God bless!

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