Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Lucas just had his 25th birthday. So that means that mine is coming up soon. August- then I'll be 25. I already feel 25. I few months ago, I began talking to him about us getting older. That I would hold on to 24, because we weren't "mid-20s" yet, and of course he corrected me (you know, that ditzyness of mine) that we actually were. But I continued to jokingly declare that we truly weren't mid 20s just yet. And of course, the total realization set in that we had been in our mid 20s for quite some time.

It was age 22 and 23 that I started noticing this getting older thing. For some reason, as a teenager, it really didn't phase me much at all because birthdays were always something to look forward to. 16, 17, 18, a lot goes on during those years. So time went by and great things happened and God was the reason for anything good. And then, the sober epiphany grabbed me, I was getting older.

Just as weather seasons cycle and serve their purposes, we have our personal seasons of life, and each has its purpose. The tough years, whenever they visited us; whether during childhood, teenage years, college years or beyond, God has a reason for them all. Even when we bring on the toughness by ourselves, God works through it and His face is seen in hindsight.

And didn't God create it all? Isn't God the creator of man's fleeting life? His word says that our life is like a vapor, here one day, gone the next. Is that such a bad thing if that is the way God designed it to be? He knows us through and through, "our sitting down and rising up". And He is the same God who urges us to number our days. May we always live in the now, this moment. Not tomorrow, not yesterday, but today. May we always cherish today. I remember a quote from a poem I love, author anonymous;

(God speaking) "When you live in the past, with it's pain and regrets, it is hard. I am not there. When you live in the future with it's fears and worries, it is hard. I am not there."

Of course God is the God of the past, present and future, but the point of the poem was to encourage the reader to live in this moment. God, may we ever live for you everyday in this precious life you give us, for we will not be here forever.

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