Sunday, July 19, 2009

I used to have a Xanga blog, so I'd like to post a few former ones. :)

Friday, May 06, 2005

My job of tutoring Jr. High kids has been a blessing. One of the kids recently asked me a really humorous question and I thought you might enjoy this conversation. It went fairly closely as follows.

"Mrs. Ellis," said the student.

"Yes," said the tutor.

"Do sausages grow on trees?"

"No," the tutor replied, "Sausages don't grow on trees. Now let me keep reading to you."

"They don't?"

"No, they don't," her patience waining.

"Never?" searching for more reassurance.

"Nope, never ever ever," answered the tutor, as she realized that there was no limit to the students randomness.

"Oh okay, that's what I thought. I've been arguing about this with my mom for the last few days. She said she saw it on the National Geographic channel. A tree called the sausage tree," the student explained.

"Well," she continued, "Just because it's called a sausage tree, doesn't mean it actually grows sausage."

So you're thinking. Riggghhht. And if you're Deborah Baker, you've shook your head once while laughing and said, "What!?" My advice to you guys, learn from this student. Yep, that's right, learn from them. The student wasn't just willing to believe everything they heard, even as it came straight from their mother's mouth. (This isn't an attack against mothers, by the way!!!) The Bible says, "Test everything. Hold on to the good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21 The thing is, a lot of people say a bunch of crazy stuff. Preachers, Mothers, Fathers, friends, government or world leaders, etc. Always test everything, and hold on to the good!

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