Thursday, July 9, 2009

Surrendering Our Hurts To God

My son, Aiden, had a series of unfortunate events in which his fingers were smashed in a door around four times over a period of two weeks. Thankfully, these doors were not car doors, so his injuries weren't worse than they could have been. Each time he would cry for a few minutes and after some consolation, return to his playing but with his fist enclosed. I felt really bad for him, especially because of the number of times it happened. He was hurting.
After about two weeks of no injuries, he complained that his finger was bothering him. When I looked closer, I saw that the nail was coming up and looking as if it wanted to come off and would eventually. He would not let me bandage it, let alone touch it. Each day it would get a more and more loose, but when I asked to clip it off for him, he would cry and tell me no. So I left it alone. He was still hurting.
After a few days I seized an opportunity to clip it while he was sleeping. It was hanging much looser now and I knew it would be simple task. I clipped carefully and he startled a few times but eventually it was removed. When he woke up, he examined his hands and cheerfully talked about his nail getting removed. We shared in his excitement.
I can't help but parallel this with our relationship with God. For whatever reasons, we get hurt. Sometimes the hurt comes from our childhood. Maybe it is one hurt or maybe it is several. But we hold on and cater to it. We may want God to take it away but we do not completely trust Him with it. We do not completely surrender. He waits for us. He is a gentle and loving God. Because He does not want our hurts to hinder us or our growth in Him, he does take it away when we are ready and in His perfect timing. He removes it, and new growth comes.
I know that this has happened in my own relationship with God, and when I finally completely surrendered to Him, I felt so much better afterward. He has taken care of me and has removed it from me when the time was right. God is so good, I feel tremendously better. New life has come. Healing, refreshing and restoration has come. Praise be to God, and God's peace to you as you totally surrender to Him your every hurt.

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