Sunday, July 19, 2009

Monday, October 24, 2005

Okay, so I finally found out where the Naked Nunnies come from. What? You don't know who they are? Well, when I was little I went through a phase of now wanting to wear clothes (don't ask). My sister told me that if I didn't keep my clothes on then the Naked Nunnies would come and get me. All I know is my imagination saw flying naked people.
I now know they're real and they live in Santa Fe! (which I'm coming to understand about this small town, what isn't there in Santa Fe?!) Over the weekend, I just learned that there is a (possible) nudist colony about 3 miles from where we live. The Naked Nunnies! Watch out for them flying naked people, and keep your clothes on for goodness sakes! If you don't they'll get ya for sure!

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