Sunday, July 19, 2009

Friday, December 16, 2005

As soon as I heard this I meant to share this with y'all. Lucas's cousin was asking me what I want to do for a career and I told her I want to be a teacher. She said that a lot of her friends were majoring in Education and that she had a lot of funny stories. She followed with this story.
The elementry kids were asked to write down nouns and verbs. The student teacher walked over and was glancing at what the students were writing. She pointed at one of the words from one of the young girls thinking it was spelled wrong.
It read, l-i-c-a-s-t-o. She asked her student to say it to her. "Licasto, you know the licasto. My mamma go there all the time."
For those of you like me, who might need a little help- her momma went to the Liquer store all the time. But when you say it with a funny accent, it's funny... :)


  1. Hey Sis,
    I'm a little slow. It took me a few minutes but I get it. LOL.

  2. ha! awesome.
    Keep writing! I love it!
