Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tonight I was thinking about the many times I have some fun things planned for Aiden and I. A trip to the park, a birthday party coming up, swimming at the lake, visiting family... you name it, all fun things that he would definitely look forward to doing. However, timing is everything. For example, next week I am so excited that I will be going to visit my Mom and sisters. We will be swimming and Aiden will get to play with his cousins who he loves and talks about often. But if I tell him now it wouldn't be so exciting anymore. In his overwhelming excitement, he might handle it well at the moment, but soon enough he would be demanding that we go right then and there. He would soon become fussy and winey because he wouldn't understand why it can't happen right away. So because of all this, I choose to tell him later, when he is ready to hear the good news. Of course he would want to know as soon as I did, but he just wouldn't be quite ready yet.

Now, isn't God similar? Sometimes it is so hard for us to wait on God because we want to know things now. We know He has good things planned for us because it's in His word (Jeremiah 29:11)- But can we handle knowing all of these good plans now? Or will we not understand or be too afraid or overwhelmed? So may a peace come to us in times of waiting... a peace that gives us confidence in His perfect timing. A peace that helps us trust Him as we wait. And a joy... a joy in knowing He has some amazing, fun things planned. And He knows when we can handle it, and He will show us in His perfect timing.